James Urquhart-Burton
James is an experienced solicitor who brings with him a passion and understanding of the legal challenges faced by older people and their families. For a number of years now, he has advised people about their eligibility for funding for long-term care, particularly NHS Continuing Healthcare.
NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding is a package of care which is fully funded by the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group, for individuals who are assessed as having a “Primary Health Need”. James has successfully acted for individuals in relation to all manner of claim, including applications for refunds of care home fees wrongfully paid and assessments for current funding.
James has recovered hundreds of thousands of pounds in wrongly paid care fees for families. Having acted both whilst the individual is living and receiving care and after they have sadly passed away. In addition to recovering wrongly paid fees, James is a respected expert in relation to appeals and helps his clients to navigate all aspects of the complex eligibility process.
In addition to his knowledge of the care sector, James is passionate about the need to provide niche legal services to the elderly. James is conscious of how delicate subjects like health, care and finances are and works through his clients’ problems with the utmost sensitivity and knowledge of the process.