Children and Grandchildren
At GLC we are specialists in advising about the steps grandparents need to take to try and resolve certain difficult issues. These can include contact with Grandchildren, taking on children when a parent cannot look after a child, and Grandparents being involved in care proceedings involving a grandchild. We can advise you on Grandparents rights through the family courts.

Grandparents Rights for Contact & Residence
The family court recognises the importance and benefits of a child having a relationship with a grandparent.

Grandparents Rights in Care Proceedings
If the Local Authority wish to remove a child from their parents without their consent, they must issue Care…

Kinship Care Support
Our GLC team are the national leading legal advisors in kinship care. As a kinship carer with a Care Order or …

Kinship Care Breakdown
Unfortunately, whether a Care Order, SGO or Child Arrangement Order, a lack of support from the Local…

Kinship Care Special Guardianship (SGO)
As a Grandparent with full time care of your grandchild you might need to consider Special Guardianship.

Simple pricing for advice
We believe in making access to the right advice as simple as possible. Often, we can make a real difference in a single or planned series of phone advice sessions. Call today to speak to our enquiry team for a free initial consultation.