Claim Care Home Fees
We are here to offer you specialist advice on claiming care home fees. Meet our team of experts to provide you with a tailor made service to assist you. At GLC we have experienced lawyers who are specialists in this area of law.
If you or a loved one needs to go into a care home, you are likely to be worried about how it will be paid for. Equally, if you or your loved one is already in a care home, you may be keen to make sure that the care fees have only been paid when they should have been and that care fees are not paid now and in the future unless they should be.

Not many people fully explore their eligibility for funding for their care and many thousands of people continue to pay for care when legally they should not have to.
NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding is the name given to a package of care which is fully funded by the Clinical Commissioning Group. If you are assessed as having a “Primary Health Need”, then the NHS is responsible to pay for the cost of your care.
It does not matter whether you are in a residential care home or nursing home, or even receiving care in your own home. What matters is that if your needs are presenting as intense, complex or unpredictable, then the Clinical Commissioning Group is responsible for your care.
James Urquhart-Burton is an experienced care home fee solicitor who can provide assistance with:
- NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding
- Claims for refunds of care home fees (retrospective assessment)
- Appeals against decisions of ineligibility
Frequently Asked Questions

At GLC we can provide this legal advice to you charged on a time spent basis, and can provide you with an estimate of our fees for each potential course of action, to again allow you to make an informed choice.
We can also work with your own independent financial advisor or introduce you to independent financial advisers in order to discuss various funding options, investments and financial products to best suit your circumstances.

We believe in making access to the right advice as simple as possible. Often, we can make a real difference in a single or planned series of phone advice sessions. Call today to speak to our enquiry team for a free initial consultation.
Call us on 0843 289 7130 or Get in Touch