Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney, Court of Protection & Probate
Having worked hard to make a secure future for yourself and your family in your later years, it is important that while you are able to do so, you consider planning for a time when you may not be able to manage your wealth as well as you can now.
In addition, you want to ensure that what you own will eventually pass to the people you care about.
These issues require careful thought and appropriate legal advice. That is why at GLC we offer a range of services to cater for the most common worries people have as well as being able to advise you about more complex and individual situations.

At GLC we understand how much you love your family and want to plan for a time when you are no longer here to…

Lasting Powers of Attorney
As the years pass by, and families expand, we often start to think about the future and what our later years…

Care Home Fees Planning
One of our main concerns in our later years is trying to ensure that we protect our assets for our children…

Court of Protection
Many people up and down the country may be caring for, or involved with the care of a relative.

Inheritance Disputes
Although a bereavement can affect us at any point in our lives, disputes most often arise when a parent dies…

Disputes with Executors
When a parent or grandparent dies, disputes can often arise about the administration of their estate.

Financial Abuse
It is a sad fact that older people and individuals who are vulnerable are more likely than other people…