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by Themer Slimane in Nigel Priestley posted 13th October 2015.

New Kinship Care Research Shows Potentially Disastrous Effects of Tax Credit and Welfare Reform

Nigel Priestley, Senior Partner at Ridley & Hall and trustee of the Family Rights Group, has welcomed the call to […]

by Themer Slimane in Nigel Priestley posted 31st July 2015.

Yorkshire Couple Celebrate Record Payment for Care of their Grandchildren

A Yorkshire couple are celebrating the payment of over £80,000 from a Yorkshire local authority. The payment represents 12 years […]

by Themer Slimane in Nigel Priestley posted .

Huddersfield Family Lawyer Shortlisted for Prestigious Award

Nigel Priestley, Senior Partner at Ridley & Hall, has been shortlisted for the Jordan’s Award of Family Law Partner of […]



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