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Category: Kinship Care

by Grandparents Legal Centre in Helen Moody, Kinship Care posted 6th October 2023.

Love Beyond Bounds: The Best Things About Being a Kinship Carer

As Kinship Care Week 2023 comes to a close, The Grandparents Legal Centre joins in celebrating the unsung heroes – […]

by Grandparents Legal Centre in Helen Moody, Kinship Care posted 4th October 2023.

Court Favours Aunt for Baby Girl Over Adoption Despite Council Opposition

In a recent case, our Kinship Care solicitor, Helen Moody, achieved a significant victory. She successfully advocated for family placement […]

by Themer Slimane in Case Studies, Children, Helen Moody, Kinship Care posted 22nd May 2023.

Are approved kinship foster carers entitled to the same allowances as a mainstream foster carers?

Did you know that as an approved kinship foster carer with a Local Authority, you are entitled to the same […]

by Grandparents Legal Centre in Children, Grandchildren, Helen Moody, Kinship Care posted 17th May 2023.

Grandmother granted 6 figure backdated sum in respect of fostering payments

When a Local Authority place a child in the care of a family member, they are responsible for that child […]

by Grandparents Legal Centre in Grandchildren, Helen Moody, Kinship Care, Nigel Priestley posted 6th February 2023.

Happy Valley – where would we be without grandparents?

Ryan eventually told his grandma how he felt: “Granny” “What?” “I love you.” “What’s brought that on?” “Nothing” “Right.” Two […]

by Themer Slimane in Children, Helen Moody, Kinship Care posted 25th September 2020.

Rise in Special Guardianship Breakdowns in light of Covid-19

Over the last few months we have all faced difficulties because of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic however, we have become […]

by Themer Slimane in Helen Moody, Kinship Care posted 26th March 2020.

Our Helen’s top tips for Kinship Carers in Lockdown

With the country currently on lockdown due to the Coronavirus outbreak and the advice being that over 70’s are in […]

by Themer Slimane in Grandchildren, Kinship Care, Nigel Priestley posted 27th February 2020.

Victory for battling Lancashire grandma!

A Lancashire grandmother has been celebrating winning a victory against Lancashire County Council. In 2018 the 65 year old grandmother, […]

by Themer Slimane in Children, Grandchildren, Helen Moody, Kinship Care posted 23rd December 2019.

Child destined for adoption has successfully transitioned into Grandmother’s care just in time for Christmas

After having a negative assessment to care for her granddaughter, a grandmother has successfully challenged the outcome resulting in the […]

by Themer Slimane in Case Studies, Grandchildren, Helen Moody, Kinship Care posted 24th May 2019.

Kinship foster carers – are you receiving all that you are entitled to?

Are you a Kinship Foster Carer for a relative child? Are you caring for them under a Care Order after […]



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